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September 8-16, 2023
Las Vegas, NV
Stall Deadline: August 15th, 2023
Stall Refund Request Deadline: August 15th, 2023
To Order Shavings Click Here
Barn A Stalls: $395
All stalls in Barn A will include 2 stall mats and 6 bags of white pine shavings.
Barn B Stalls: $395
All Stalls in Barn B will include 2 stall mats and 6 bags of white pine shavings.
We are almost out of stalls at this time! Please call Doug Hammack directly to purchase a stall. He can be reached at 303-601-0623
Exhibitor Name Required
Exhibitor Email Required
Exhibitor Phone Required
Trainer or Barn Name Required
Trainer Email Required
Trainer Phone Required
*Cell phone numbers are how we create blocks. Please use your trainer's cell phone to ensure you are stalled with them. If there are multiple trainers or people in your group, pick one person's phone number to use for this.
Barn A Stalls
Barn B Stalls
Youth Stalls
Stall Mats
Your payment could not be processed at this time, Please check your card information and try again or contact us
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